Members of the Department of Science and Technology-National Research Council of the Philippines (DOST-NRCP) - scientists, engineers, social scientists, and researchers of various academic fields - will convene on March 16, 2016 at the Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay City for NRCP’s Annual Scientific Conference and 83rd General Membership Assembly.

Around 700 members from all over the country are expected to attend and exchange ideas and experiences on the topic “Research Innovation for Inclusive Development.”

Rajesh Sharma, chairman and managing director of one of India’s leading technology companies, Ion Exchange India (IEI), will deliver a keynote message entitled “Research Innovation in Emerging Technologies for Sustainable and Inclusive Development.” IEI is a recognized pioneer in water treatment technologies which had secured over $25 million World Bank-funded projects in India and other Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia.

Sharma’s message will underscore the effective application of science, technology, and innovation in research to help achieve the major objectives of sustainable development, which are “to feed, to nurture, to house, and to employ people, while conserving earth’s basic life support system and biodiversity.”

Furthermore, Sharma will emphasize the value of participation of all stakeholders—government, scientists and academe, civil sector and communities—in addressing present challenges, bridging the worsening social divide, and mitigating environmental ruin caused by unsustainable activities.

IEI’s chairman and managing director will also discuss other topics like developing socially acceptable and sustainable technology; harnessing the power of ICT (information and communication technologies) as driver of transparency in decision making and enabler of public or multi-sector engagement; adapting existing and locally relevant products and processes to maximize productivity and promote competitiveness; building technological learning and capacity for innovation across all sectors like health, agriculture, energy, and climate change, among others, through effective policies.

Meanwhile, scientific sessions will tackle the following: Re-Engineering Research for Inclusive Nation-Building by National Artist Ramon Santos; Science Education for Inclusive Development by Dr. Josette T. Biyo, DOST Science Education Institute executive director; Innovative Strategies in Teaching Sciences to Filipino Students towards Rapid Economic Growth and Global Competitiveness by Engr. Filemon T. Berba, Jr., Philippine Foundation for Science and Technology president; Enhancing Competitiveness and

Inclusive Growth in the Natural Products Industry through Research and Innovation: An Out- of the- Box Approach by Philip S. Cruz, Herbanext Laboratories, Inc. president; and Innovations of the Business and Industry Sectors to Combat the Perils of Food Insecurity by Dr. Robert H. Lo, president and general manager of Red Dragon Farm.

NRCP will also give special recognition to at least 22 scientists and experts for their noted achievements and contributions to advancing basic research in their respective fields, as well as three outstanding local research and development (R&D) institutes in 2015.

NRCP is government’s arm in basic research under the DOST. It supports basic research through provision of R&D grants—from the hard and applied scientific disciplines to the social sciences—professional development services to its members, and R&D promotion. NRCP also fulfills an essential role as policy advisory body on issues of national concern or interest.

For information about the conference, contact NRCP IDS at (02) 837-6141 or 837-2071 local 2345.