To entice more Filipino students to pursue game-changing research projects in science and technology, the Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) extends the submission deadline for its Young Innovators Program (YIP) to June 15, 2020.

PCIEERD Executive Director Dr. Enrico C. Paringit encourages the students to submit their ideas to the Council and take a crack at getting a research grant.

“We are extending the deadline for the submission of research proposals in the Young Innovators Program to allow more students to get a chance in experiencing research and development in the country first-hand. As a leader and partner in innovation, we believe in nurturing and inspiring people at a young age. We cultivate young minds to become our innovators of tomorrow, motivating them to pursue research in science as a career in the future, also ushering the expansion of our country’s research pool and creating opportunities for breakthroughs and solutions,” he said.

Launched in 2017, YIP provides support to research of Filipinos under the age of 25 to further encourage them to delve into scientific research by providing them with financial assistance to cover the expenses necessary for the conduct of their research work, as well as modest stipends for the grantees and honorarium for their mentor. The program was conceived to persuade students to come up with innovative research that will lead to the creation of quality research papers, publication, product, or inventions, as well as fortify new and innovative research areas.

The program is open to young, talented, Filipino high school and undergraduate students under the age of 25, who wish to obtain research experience under a mentor. The research must be for a maximum of 1 year with research area covering the PCIEERD's sectoral priority areas under the Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda (HNRDA).

As of date, DOST-PCIEERD has received 65 applications and it expects to receive more with the deadline extension. YIP targets to shortlist at least 25 proposals and approve at most 10 grantees.

The forms and guidelines can be accessed at Only applications with complete documentary requirements will be processed. Inquiries on the program should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (30)