Make your travel easy and convenient during the quarantine period with the newly developed mobile application called Safe, Swift and Smart Passage or simply S-PaSS.

S-PaSS, launched on 26 March 2021, is an online system primarily intended to efficiently manage travels of Filipino local workers, Returning Overseas Filipinos (ROFS), local tourists, and others who need to go on business from one province to the other. It was developed by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Regional Office VI.

This app is utilized in two ways: as a Travel Management System which is a convenient online communication and coordination platform for travelers, Local Government Units, and other monitoring agencies, and as a Local Mobility Management System which replaces the use of pen-and-paper logbooks for visitors and personnel of public and private companies, schools, and other institutions or orgnizations. 

For travelers, accessible information on the travel policies of all LGUs particularly when traveling by air and sea can be obtained. Usually, a health declaration form/medical certificate or a Travel Authority or both is needed for the traveler to pass through borders. Sometimes, it can be confusing to those who travel for work, vacation, or business as each LGU has their own list of guidelines. But with S-PaSS, the needed requirements can be identified easily. The travelers can be guided whether the area of destination is ‘Restricted’ or ‘Unrestricted’, which is duly updated by the LGUs responsible. If the LGU is on a ‘Restricted’ level, a ‘Travel Coordination Permit (TCP)’ should be applied, however, if the LGU is declared as ‘Unrestricted’, yet, the traveler needs to pass through ‘Restricted’ LGUs, a ‘Travel Pass-Through Permit (TPP)’ can be generated and presented. S-PaSS is to be used before and during actual travel.

In other words, the S-PaSS is a travel management system and nota contact tracing application that other local government units use.

For LGUs, this is beneficial in organizing and ensuring a systematic way of posting information about their travel policies and requirements that can be processed online. This ensures a smooth flow of updating the needed requirements per LGU, the moment it declares a "Restricted" travel policy. The LGUs can also verify the authenticity of documents, monitor and generate records of incoming travelers along with their travel histories that can be useful in facilitating close coordination among Provincial and City/Municipal LGUs.

The system can also help the Philippine National Police (PNP) guide residents going to other LGUs in applying for travel documents when needed; help the LGUs in monitoring travelers in their territories; and verify the authenticity of travel documents presented.

Also, Monitoring Agencies can easily monitor the travelers and generate a report at the municipal, provincial, regional, and national levels for monitoring and planning purposes.

For Region I, all provinces (Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union and Pangasinan) have already activated their S-PaSS accounts and updated their travel policies. 

To fully maximize the features of the S-PaSS, DOST encourages travelers to register by logging in to and register using personal mobile numbers. From there, the documents required by the LGU of destination and their restrictions on travel can be viewed. For TCPs, it can be submitted through the website. Most LGUs have contact numbers for easy coordination and verification of the status of TCP approval. It is advisable that travelers apply 1-2 days before their trip as the duration of approval depends on the LGU and not the system itself. 

As of 27 April 2021, there are already 646,638 registered users of the system nationwide, with 86,944 coming from Region I. More than half of the provinces in the Philippines, which amounts to 69% of the total number, now use the S-PaSS for their monitoring and border control.  

The success of the smooth implementation of the system can be attributed to the responsible contribution and action of the travelers, the LGUs, the PNP, and monitoring agencies. With the collaboration of different organizations, more developments and innovations can be productively generated to steer the country into maximizing the advantages of science and technology for the people. 

For queries or assistance in the registration, please contact Michael John C. Maquiling, the DOST-I focal person for the S-PaSS in the region through email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by contacting the DOST Regional Office I at 

0998-962-0232 (SMART) or 0917-840-8695 (GLOBE). (By Ms. Carla Joyce Cajala, Project Assistant II, DOST-I)