CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, La Union –The Department of Science and Technology Regional Office I (DOST-I) spearheaded a 3-day virtual technology pitching session of locally-developed technologies from the DOST-Planning Sectoral Councils and Research and Development Institutes (RDIs) that was held recently via the virtual platform Microsoft Teams.

Dubbed as “TeknoLokal para Makabagong Bayani”, the technology pitching sessions aim to spark the interest of applicant-Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) to adoptDOST-developed technologies that will be funded under the Innovations for Filipinos Working Distantly from the Philippines (iFWD PH) Program. 

The TeknoLokal series was conducted in anticipation of the Program’s Phase 1 that focuses on Capacity Building and Core Business Development sessions slated this

June. The OFWs will be attending virtual lectures that will capacitate them to conceptualize their technology-based business proposals.

The first session of the TeknoLokal held last 11 May2021 showcased the food technologies of the DOST-Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DOST-FNRI). Lea B. Landicho, Science Research Analyst of the said Institute, presented the mandates of DOST-FNRI and its laboratory services, and technologies that can be transferred and commercialized. Among the technologiesoffered for commercialization were the following: Iron-Rice Premix and Iron Fortified Rice; Tubig-Talino(Iodine-rich drinking water); Stabilized Brown Rice; rice-mongo products; and squash-supplemented products. Landicho also explained the Institute’s protocol on the transfer of these food technologies.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lorelle A. Baracol, Supervising Science Research Specialist of the DOST-Industrial Technology and Development Institute (DOST-ITDI) discussed the technologies and innovations developed by the agency. In Dr. Baracol’s presentation, the technologies were classified into three (3) categories, as follows: a) Pre-Commercialization innovations which are transferred to the adopter through a conditional licensing support. Adoption of pre-commercialized technologies have to go with the condition that tech adopters who intend to increase their output within the level considered as commercial scale will have to re-negotiate with the Institute for its Technology Licensing Agreement which shall require assessment from the DOST’s Fairness Opinion Board (FOB); b) Extension which consists of trainings, seminars and technical services provided by the DOST-ITDI; and c) Public Goods that are for free distribution to the public such as webinars on food processing, waste management, nutraceuticals, and metrology.

The second episode of the tech pitching session covered the innovative technologies of the DOST-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD) and the DOST-Forest Products Research Development Institute (DOST-FPRDI). 

Lucy A. Lastimosa, Senior Science Research Specialist under the Technology Transfer and Promotion Division and the Assistant Center Manager for Innovation and Technology Center of the DOST-PCAARRD served as the resource speaker. Prior to her discussion on the several agricultural technologies, Lastimosa tackled the “From Lab to Market” flowchart pertinent to the Council’s research and development undertakings. The flowchart depicts how the DOST-PCAARRD brings their research outputs to their beneficiaries. In addition, Lastimosa elaborated the DOST-PCAARRD’s Technology Transfer Pathways – the Deployment which is focused on the distribution and application of specific technologies to strategic geographic areas and appropriate institutional settings; the Extension or the transfer of knowledge-based tools and cultural management; and the Commercialization that involves the provision of assistance to researchers and matching private sector interest with technology owners/investors.

Moreover, the DOST-PCAARRD’s technologies that complement various agricultural activities include farm machineries such as the following: Rice Harvester Attachment which is used for efficient rice harvesting; Ride-On Rice Precision Seeder suitable for both hybrid and inbred rice production; Coffee Greenhouse Solar Dryer that intends to provide alternative method for drying coffee beans instead of directly exposing them to sunlight; Mechanical Cacao Sheller which is an innovative machine that can process cocoa beans into cocoa nibs; Pelletizing Machine for Goat Feeds appropriate for on-farm pellet production; and Sea Cucumber Dryer designed for small-scale fisherfolks involved in the harvesting of sea cucumbers, to name a few. Aside from the farm machineries, Lastimosa also presented the different types of biofertilizers, biopesticides, and food technologies that are also available for commercialization. 

Jovito A. Elec, Science Research Specialist II from the DOST-Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI), discussed wood processing and furniture trends. Elecgave an overview of the basic wood processing techniques that starts with the harvesting of the wood from plantations, lumber conversion through sawmilling, drying/seasoning which involves the removal or reduction of wood water content, and machining where the lumber will be processed either by cutting, planing, boring, mortising or combinations of operations into desired shapes and sizes. Elec also discussed the techniques in processing quality wood furniture. 

To complete the discussions on furniture, Ivan Limjoco, an Industrial Designer of the DOST-FPRDI, presented the creative component and key furniture trends for 2021thatincluded the following: a) Sustainable Credentials which are described as ethical and environmentally friendly and are generated through the use of production offcuts; b) Reinvented Home Office designs that are considered as flexi-furniture that can be both functional and decorative and are suitable for work-from-home set-up; c) Homely Comfort which is characterized by designs that offer safety and convenience; d) Reassuringly Simple trends that are crafted with minimalist approach; e) Elevated Craft or products which entails the use of weaving designs and basketry techniques applied to contemporary items made of rattan and cane; and f) Retro Nostalgia that are inspired from retrospective designs.

In the last leg of the TeknoLokal virtual series, the OFW-attendees learned the more innovative technologies from the DOST-Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC) and the DOST-Philippines Textile Research Institute (PTRI). Engr. Mervin A. Gorospe tackled the innovations that could help enhance processes in ceramics production and the tent system that could be used for emergency situations. Engr. Gorospe also introduced the Integrated Wrought Iron-Forming Equipment (iWIFE) which can be an advantage for metal fabricators particularly in the twisting, rolling, bending, and curling jobs for metal works. Conversely, Engr. Rey N. Mariposque talked about the machineries vital to the food and beverage processing industry.

Finally, Evangeline Flor P. Manalang, Supervising Science Research Specialist of the DOST-Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI), pitched the Institute’s innovations apt for textile manufacturing. In her discussion, Manalang elaborated on the textile technology-based business opportunities that OFWs may adopt in their business ventures under the iFWD PH Program.

The iFWD PH Program is an initiative of the DOST to help repatriated OFWs establish their own technology-based enterprises in the hope of encouraging them to settle in the Philippines for good, and in response to the increasing number of OFWs returning to the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For OFWs interested to participate in this program, they can still submit their application through the iFWD Ph portal: or send their requirements to the DOST-I office or to the nearest DOST-Provincial Science and Technology Center in their area. (by Katrina F. Ronquillo, Project Assistant II, DOST I – RPMO)