As the country commemorated his 125th death anniversary and martyrdom last 30 December 2021, and in time for the celebration of the Department of Science and Technology’s – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development’s (DOST-PCHRD) 40th founding anniversary, the Council kicked off with a webinar titled, “Dr. Jose Rizal, a Medical Scientist” on 25 January 2022.

Prof. Fortunato T. de la Peña, Secretary of the DOST, gave his welcome message during the webinar about Rizal’s valued characteristics as a hero, scientist, and a doctor. 

“While his contributions in fighting for our country’s independence are undeniable and well known, his career in science also proves to be an admirable example for aspiring scientists, researchers, and medical practitioners. Parallel to our mission at the Department of Science and Technology, Dr. Rizal pursued Science for the People”, de la Peña expressed.

The said webinar, in memory of our national hero, convened various experts, doctors, and even Rizal’s descendants to share experiences, stories, and knowledge with Rizal as a doctor scientist.

Jeremiah Villaroman, Rizal’s descendant from the 5th generation of Saturnina Rizal, eldest sister of our national hero, shared the early childhood life that Rizal experienced. According to him, Rizal was a very curious child and always wanted to get a solution for everything which transcended Rizal’s entire life.

Meanwhile, Dr. George Aseniero, a native of Dapitan and Rizal expert told the story of Rizal’s experience and life during his exile. According to him, for the poor people, Rizal charged nothing when they needed to be confined due to their medical condition and used to stay in Rizal’s homestead. He also added that his grandfather, Jose Aseniero was one of Dr. Rizal’s students in Dapitan and was one of those “lucky” students to have had the best education possible (of secondary schooling) in the Philippines.

For her part, Leticia de Ocampo Elegado, daughter of National Scientist Geminiano de Ocampo, who studied the life and works of Jose Rizal also shared her father’s experience and learning that was inspired by the life and mission of Rizal. 

Meanwhile, Ambassador Junever Mahilum-West of France detailed Rizal’s education abroad and training to become an ophthalmologist in Europe, specifically in France. Eye Bank Foundation president Dr. Ma. Dominga “Minguita” Padilla also shared some insights on the influence of Dr. Jose Rizal in medicine and the sciences. 

In conclusion, Dr. Jaime C. Montoya, Executive Director of DOST-PCHRD honored Rizal for his contributions to science and medicine as well as frontliners and medical practitioners who, at present, are still fighting the current pandemic despite many challenges they face.

Dr. Jose P. Rizal, as a freedom fighter, an educator, and an advocate of science was also distinguished for the inspiration he brings in the field of medicine. His motivation to become a doctor was to cure his mother who was going blind due to cataract. While in Europe, he studied the science of eyes under the famous French ophthalmologist, Louis de Wecker. He also worked as an assistant to Otto Becker, a professor of ophthalmology at the University of Heidelberg in Germany.

Rizal finally fulfilled his dream of caring for his mother’s eye. He performed cataract surgery on his mother’s left eye and became successful. The said operation was recognized as the first of its kind ever done during his time.

His popularity as an eye doctor spread and he became known for his brilliance. People from all over the country, and even from China came to him to be examined. This paved the way for him to open a small clinic and provided medical services particularly to those with fewer means.

Rizal’s heart for the less privileged was undeniably huge and full of compassion. As a doctor, he opened his clinic for them to be given free treatment and medication.

For those who missed watching the webinar “Dr. Jose Rizal, the Medical Scientist”, you may access it at this link:

(By Mark Lavien R. Inocencio, DOST-STII).



