The Department of Science and Technology Regional Office I (DOST-I), for the past years, has been implementing one the department’s flagship programs called the Community Empowerment thru Science and Technology (CEST) program geared at addressing the socioeconomic challenges that communities in the regions are facing.

CEST uses five entry points, Human Resource Development, Disaster Risk Reduction Management and Climate Change Adaptation, Livelihood/ Economic Enterprise Development, Health and Nutrition, Environmental Protection and Conservation, to specifically provide science-based solutions to pressing issues confronting economically challenged communities within the region.

New CEST communities

For this first semester of 2022, DOST-I established five (5) new CEST communities, namely: Mapandan and Umingan in Pangasinan; Burgos in La Union; Sto. Domingo in Ilocos Sur; and Adams in Ilocos Norte. Various activities were conducted like the consultative meeting, community needs assessment, and participatory planning for the implementation of the CEST program. On the other hand, CEST beneficiaries last year in Pangasinan (Agno and Baustista), La Union (Santol), Ilocos Sur (12 ELCAC Communities), and Ilocos Norte (Carasi) continued to receive assistance from the program.

22 communities benefitted

As one of the program’s milestones in the region, a total of 588 beneficiaries from 22 communities have already received assistance as of June 2022. This included 10 technologies deployed, 17 technologies promoted in various promotional activities, and 13 DOST-developed and/or funded knowledge products and technologies that were transferred to 98 adaptors through commercialization, extension, and public goods. As a value of support, a total of Php 656,044 was awarded as innovation and enabling fund.

… On Livelihood/Economic Enterprise Development

There was continuous monitoring and delivery of assistance to the associations of CEST communities in the region. A total of eight technology training courses were conducted during the first semester of this year for 102 participants and 20 consultancy services provided. The Sinabaan Farmers Association and Palisoc Women's Association in San Tiburcio, Ilocos Sur and Palisoc, Bautista, Pangasinan, respectively, received meat processing equipment such as grinder, mixer, stainless steel tables, food processor, impulse sealer, chest and upright freezers for their meat project. Moreover, Agno’s two barangay beneficiaries obtained food processing tools and equipment to help them with their wine, fish, t-shirt, and souvenir enterprise projects.

Furthermore, a total of 28 packaging and label designs were finalized and completed for nine associations within the CEST beneficiaries enabling Likewise, other laboratory services such as the microbiological, physicochemical, chemical testing, and nutrition facts analysis, were provided for all CEST-developed goods such as Coconut Flakes, Smoke Bangus, Mango Jam and Puree. The assistance is equivalent to Php 33,090 worth of support to the communities.

… On environmental conservation and protection and DRRM initiatives

To have greener and safer communities, a dual drum composter for the composting operation and waste segregation was deployed in Carasi, Ilocos Norte and a solar water pump and automatic weather station were installed in Santol, La Union. This intervention will provide data on surface weather observations like temperature, windspeed and direction, humidity and barometric pressure that will help MDRRMO of Santol, La Union be aware of the weather conditions, thus ensuring responsive action towards keeping communities safe from natural hazards.

… On human resource and development

With the goal of empowering students who have little or no access to S&T information resources, the DOST through CEST awarded 11 Science & Technology Academic and Research – Based Openly Operated Kiosk Stations (STARBOOKS) with S&T Modules and four Smart TV’s to CEST school-beneficiaries in Carasi, Ilocos Norte, Santol, La Union, Agno and Bautista, Pangasinan. STARBOOKS is one of the knowledge products developed by the DOST-Science and Technology Information Institute to provide greater learning opportunities for students in far-flung areas with slow or no internet connection.

… On health and nutrition

To address the communities’ basic health and sanitation need for potable water, DOST-I’s Regional Standards and Testing Laboratory (RSTL) conducted water sampling in four new communities under CEST with a total of 165 chemical and microbial tests analysis amounting to Php 318,100 in total value of assistance. Moreover, to ensure availability of safe drinking water, 130 pieces of sawyer bucket filters were distributed to households and schools in Carasi, Ilocos Norte and Agno, Pangasinan.

Lastly, the Regional Metrology Laboratory (RML) provided 317 mass and volume calibration services to 252 clients with a total value assistance of Php 107,080, thus ensuring that business operations are compliant to standards for the benefit of the consumers.

These accomplishments would not have been possible without the collaboration of the DOST-I’s reliable partners from State University and Colleges (SUCs), Local Government Units (LGU), National Government Agencies (NGA), and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). (By Jerwin M. Ramos, DOST-I)