Dr. Persia Ada N. De Yro and Mr. Mark Anthony R. Agbayani of DOST-ITDI answer questions from the audience at the Nanovation: Innovation Forum on Nanotech and 3D Printing at the 2023 National Youth Science, Innovation, and Technology Festival held on 27 October 2023 at the Philippine International Convention Center, Pasay City.

Students from various senior high schools and state universities received a crash course on the basics of nanotechnology and 3D printing during the Nanovation: Innovation Forum on Nanotech and 3D Printing held at the side stage of the 2023 National Youth Science, Innovation, and Technology Festival (NYSTIF), held at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) the Forum Tent last 27 October 2023. The forum was organized by the Department of Science and Technology-Industrial Technology Development Institute (DOST-ITDI).

“What comes to mind when you say ‘nano’? Small? Tiny? However, one thing can never be insignificant. As little as things may seem, there lies great potential to grow, improve, and make something innovative,” DOST-ITDI Director Dr. Annabelle V. Briones said in her opening remarks. “Even the smallest idea can become great. So, we have come up with this seminar to talk about nanotechnology among the youth, the hope of the country, and how it can shape your perceptions of the sciences.”

Dr. Persia Ada N. De Yro of DOST-ITDI’s Materials Science Division, on the other hand, gave the participants a rundown of the fundamentals of nanotechnology in her Introduction to Nanotechnology and Industry Applications talk. She discussed identifying nanomaterials by size, shape, and surface charge, as well as the ongoing nanotechnology research in the department, such as experimental techniques used in nanoparticle characterization.

“I was fascinated with these new materials,” Dr. De Yro said of her shift from metallurgical engineering to nanotechnology. “I was fascinated with the advancement [in technology]. I was amazed with that, and I wanted to be part of the advancement in my own little way.”

Meanwhile, Mark Anthony R. Agbayani, also from DOST-ITDI’s Materials Science Division, led a discussion on basic 3D printing, materials, and applications. He explained the process of 3D printing, its brief history– starting from its conception in a science fiction short story to its eventual commercialization, the methods and types of printing techniques, the materials involved, and finally, its applications and the research endeavors involving 3D printing.

Students also took the opportunity to consult Agbayani for his opinions on their projects that relied heavily on 3D printing. He referenced his talk and discussed combinations of different materials to create the desired output.

DOST-ITDI is one of the department’s research and development institutes and undertakes multidisciplinary industrial research and development, technical services, and knowledge translation or technology transfer and commercialization. ITDI harnesses know-how in new technology and product innovation, and through the years, has emerged as a credible and reliable industry and government partner in accelerating growth and development in the country. (By Jacqueline R. Parairo, DOST-STII)