By Rhea Mae B. Ruba, DOST GADU

2024 Gender Sensitivity Training (GST) for the DOST-Central Office newly hired employees. (Photo from Rhea Mae B. Ruba, DOST GADU)

The Department of Science and Technology – Central Office (DOST-CO), through its Gender and Development Unit (GADU), conducted the first Gender Sensitivity Training (GST) for 2024 at DOST Executive Lounge, DOST Compound, General Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City on April 24, 2024.

The 2024 GST was designed to provide newly hired DOST-CO employees with a deeper understanding of the basic GAD concepts. By comprehending how gender shapes societal roles, employees can contribute more effectively to their development and foster healthier relationships within the workplace.

“As civil servants, we need to appreciate GAD and eventually become its advocates. It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals,” expressed DOST Assistant Secretary for Administrative and Legal Affairs, In charge of the DOST GADU, and DOST-wide GAD Focal Person Diana L. Ignacio.

In her message, she emphasized that the training yields lifetime lessons for knowing and understanding that varying perspectives and complexities exist in different genders, which became critical in closing gender gaps and supporting gender equality.

“The GAD program of DOST aims to pursue a gender-responsive Department where competent men and women employees are gender sensitized and support the crafting of gender-responsive policies, programs, projects, and activities,” said Ignacio.

Meanwhile, Maria Fe B. Singson, Project Senior Technical Specialist from DOST GADU, led the proper training session, which included discussions of understanding the GAD concepts, gender perspectives, gender issues, gender discriminations, and gender stereotypes, as well as a presentation on the significance of establishing gender equity and gender equality in the workplace.

“The GST will show the value of having an enabling environment for men and women. We have different levels of understanding of the perspectives and experiences of men and women, but we have to respect it,” remarked Singson.

In her discussions, she showed and justified the questions of “what, why, and how” GAD is being implemented in the DOST. Most importantly, she explained that the Department is making a gender mainstreaming effort to ensure that all of the scientific and technological innovations are geared and utilized in areas of maximum economic and social benefits for all Filipino men and women.

Conducting the 2024 GST serves as the DOST’s institutional response to Section 24 of RA 9710, the Magna Carta of Women, which ensures the implementation of gender-sensitive training and seminars in government agencies. 

Participatory group activities at the 2024 GST were given to the attendees. 

(Photo from Rhea Mae B. Ruba, DOST GADU)

Presentation of one of the activities' outputs at the 2024 GST. 

(Photo from Rhea Mae B. Ruba, DOST GADU)