Finalist Daryl Ceribo from the University of the Philippines Los Baños introduced an endemic species with potential applications in organic farming and medicinal use during a research presentation, reinforcing the call to protect endangered species in the country.

His study on the Philippine Camia won first place in the Undergraduate Thesis Grant in the Natural Products Oral Research Paper Presentation Competition, organized by the Department of Science and Technology–Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD).

Daryl Ceribo presenting the plant—Philippine Camia

The study aims to observe and record the species' physical structure, growth patterns, genetic makeup, and identify its chemical compounds. Ceribo believes that his research has gathered preliminary information on the presence of beneficial plant chemicals and serves as baseline data to validate and explore the traditional medicinal benefits of the plant.

He further recommends that future researchers prioritize exploratory studies, ensuring traceability, sustainable sampling, and the preservation of the plant's genetic material.

“If you have good results in your study but no one can trace your source, that is quite a problem because science should be verifiable and replicable,” Ceribo asserted.

On the potential application of his findings and the endangered status of the species, Ceribo advocates for conservation efforts, specifically urging the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to conduct further trials of the plant’s rhizomes as medicines. He also invites pharmaceutical companies to invest in and help conserve the species sustainably.

Other winning research presentations included Rian Mascariñas, who placed second from UP-Tacloban, with a study on the antibacterial activity of fungi in the bark of Aquilaria trees. Phil John Datoy from Mindanao State University claimed third place with his research on the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and deworming properties of the Marang (Artocarpus odoratissimus) core.

Second placer, Rian Mascariñas, explaining the significance of his study

Phil John Datoy presenting his study of the Marang fruit (Photos by Henry De Leon, DOST-STII)

In his opening remarks, DOST-PCHRD Executive Director Dr. Jaime Montoya expressed his appreciation for the finalists participating in the drug discovery and development program, also known as the Tuklas Lunas program.

“You are joining a community of thinkers, problem-solvers, and dreamers ready to discover and address the gaps in health R&D. There is no better time than now to explore how we can use our natural resources to tackle global and local health concerns,” Dr. Montoya affirmed.

The awarding ceremony was held on the last day of the 2024 National Youth Science, Technology, and Innovation Festival (NYSTIF) on September 21, 2024, at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) Forum Tent, Pasay City.

With the theme ‘STEM-VIBE: Engaging the Youth in Providing Solutions and Opening Opportunities,’ the event also recognized the youth’s potential in contributing to knowledge through science and technology.

For more science discoveries and breakthroughs, follow and visit the official page of the 2024 NYSTIF ( (By Kesha Shua Leosala, DOST-STII)