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The science.ph project is testament to the commitment of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in promoting science and technology awareness in the Philippines. It is both a search engine and a free, comprehensive information website that contains "everything science" in the Philippines—hence the tagline “Science for every Juan.” It was developed with an eye toward researchers, teachers, students, communicators, or any individual wishing to know about the latest breakthroughs and developments in the Philippine science scene. However, what makes this unique from other search engines is the availability of "hidden web" information, or information untouched by search engines since it resides in a database, accessible only through content partnerships. See more at: http://www.science.ph/ This contains the union catalog of the DOST ScINET-PHIL, a consortium of all the 21 libraries and information centers under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) including its 15 regional offices. The main objective of the catalog is to facilitate the research work both for professionals and students as well. The union catalog would save a lot of time and money for our library users. Any prospective library user need not go from one library to another in search of information materials. What he has to do is access the union catalog and check whether the material he needs is available or not, and if so in which library or information center. The SciNet Integrated Libary Management System (SILMS) was customized from several existing ILMS to suit our requirements. Said system can handle both bibliographic and full-text contents of library and information materials including multimedia. The Philippine eLib is a collaborative project of the National Library of the Philippines (NLP), University of the Philippines (UP), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Agriculture (DA), and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Funded through the e-Government Fund of the Philippine Government, the project hopes to provide for the information needs of all sectors of society in a convenient, affordable, and efficient way of delivery. Available resources include: See more at: http://www.elib.gov.ph/ The Philippine Research , Education and Government Information Network (PREGINET) is the country’s only Research and Education Network (REN) that interconnects academic, research, and government institutions, and has links to international RENs such as the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network (APAN), the Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives (AI3), and the Trans-Eurasia Information Network 3 (TEIN3). Prior to PREGINET, no identifiable contiguous and wide coverage REN exists in the Philippines. The academic, government, and research institutions are connected through commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for the access of online information and references for their research and education activities. With this set-up, links to the Internet became congested and networks became vulnerable to line outages. To address some of the shortcomings of the situation and at the same time, focus on the requirements for a national research and education network as a strategy to develop the vision of a networked Philippines, PREGINET was conceptualized. Compared with commercial ISPs, PREGINET provides value to academic, government, and research institutions in four (4) primary areas: Upon joining PREGINET, partners are provided the platform to pursue collaborative research and initiatives with leading universities and research institutions abroad. See more at: http://www.pregi.net/ List of projects can be downloaded by clicking on this link. Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) FARMERS INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICE INFORMATION SYSTEM (FITS IS) Farmers' Information and Technology Services Information System, a web-enabled system, allows simultaneous updating of data by various FITS centers nationwide. In this manner, collection of important data and information in the agriculture, aquatic and natural resources (AANR) sectors is fast and easy. See more at: http://opendbs.pcaarrd.dost.gov.ph/nfits/home.php PCAARRD SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE (SMS) PCAARRD SMS enables clients to send queries as text messages over a mobile phone or computer and get a quick response to their questions. See more at: http://opendbs.pcaarrd.dost.gov.ph/sms/sms/home.php RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (RDMIS) On-line system containing comprehensive inventory of new, ongoing and completed AANR R&D projects evaluated and approved by PCAARRD & undertaken by the agencies in R&D network. See more at: http://opendbs.pcaarrd.dost.gov.ph/rdmis/home.php HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION SYSTEM (HRIS) On-line system to collect, systematize, process and retrieve relevant and updated information pertaining to human resources in AANR. The system will pave the way for improved planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of human resource development. See more at: http://opendbs.pcaarrd.dost.gov.ph/hris/ HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER (HRDC) PCARRD through its Human Resource Development Center is now offering the services of the Bulwagang Panday Karunugan (BPK) to both PCAARRD and non-PCAARRD users. BPK was constructed primarily to serve as a center for developing the capabilities of the National Agriculture, Aquatic and Resource Research and Development System (NAARRDS) and the PCAARRD Secretariat to plan, coordinate, implement, monitor and evaluate research and technology development programs supportive of the country's Medium-Term Development Plan. Moreover, it serves as the heart of information and knowledge on research and technology management in Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources (AANR). BPK, a four-story building, which occupies an area of 1,464 square meters, operates both as a venue for training, seminar, conference and workshop and as an information center. It has the following amenities: See more at: http://www.pcaarrd.dost.gov.ph/home/ssentinel/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=956&Itemid=95 Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) PHILIPPINE TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE DIGITAL LIBRARY ON HEALTH This national electronic database is a modern method of protecting our cultural heritage as old and new documentation on traditional knowledge in health are gathered and encoded into a digital format. Should traditional knowledge accessed in the TKDL be used for further scientific studies, the individual or agency will be linked to the knowledge-owner community to whom they should secure free and prior informed consent. Eventual product development shall call for discussions and agreements on appropriate access and equitable benefit-sharing. The digital library provides available information gathered from previous work by other researchers and scholars. These include Ethnopharmacological documentation of from available ethnobotanical studies, traditional healing practices and rituals from old lexicographic and linguistic documentation as well as current immersion research studies being conducted in selected ethnolinguistic groups, library of traditional healers, plant compendium, and a library of traditional healing terminologies. See more at: http://www.tkdlph.com/ Health Research and Development Information Network Network-of-Networks (HERDIN Neon) is a system and database that enables online exchange of information and allows distributed knowledge repository network. HERDIN NeoN covers health researches in the Philippines, and/or health researches authored by Filipinos. HERDIN has three main databases: the research database, the expert database, and the institutions database. With NEON system, experts and other industry players are able to connect, share and collaborate for better management of information leading to wider utilization and applications of health research results. See more at: http://www.herdin.ph/ PHILIPPINE HEALTH RESEARCH REGISTRY (PHRR) The Philippine Health Research Registry is a tool for good governance to promote transparency and accountability in health research. PHRR is a publicly accessible database on health researches and clinical trials being conducted in the country. It differs from the HERDIN databases since data entries will be prospective and will be inputted and updated by the researchers themselves. The latter is a searchable bibliographic database of Philippine health information and resources. See more at: http://registry.healthresearch.ph/ See more at: http://www.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/index.php/2012-05-24-01-33-53 PHILIPPINE NATIONAL HEALTH RESEARCH SYSTEM (PNHRS) The Philippine National Health Research System is an integrated national framework for health research in the country. It is a convergence strategy that aims to promote cooperation and integration of all health research efforts and stakeholders in the country to ensure that research contributes to evidence-informed health policies and actions. See more at: http://www.healthresearch.ph/ See more at: http://contacts.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/ DENGUE VECTOR SURVEILLANCE WEBSITE the site carries information on mosquito population nationwide, as well as dengue incidence and other mosquito-related facts. Vector refers to an organism, in this case the Aedes aegypti mosquito, that carries disease-causing microorganisms such as the dengue virus from one host to another. See more at: http://oltrap.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/ Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) PHILIPPINE GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (GIS) - BASED LANDFILL INVENTORY An online repository of the solid waste disposal facilities in the Philippines. It features an interactive map showing both geographical and basic data about landfill facilities in the Philippines, with links to the actual landfill profile pages containing relevant information about the facility. See more at: http://iesmanila.com/lgis/content/philippine-gis-based-landfill-inventory The Philippine Research , Education and Government Information Network (PREGINET) is the country’s only Research and Education Network (REN) that interconnects academic, research, and government institutions, and has links to international RENs such as the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network (APAN), the Asian Internet Interconnection Initiatives (AI3), and the Trans-Eurasia Information Network 3 (TEIN3). Prior to PREGINET, no identifiable contiguous and wide coverage REN exists in the Philippines. The academic, government, and research institutions are connected through commercial Internet Service Providers (ISPs) for the access of online information and references for their research and education activities. With this set-up, links to the Internet became congested and networks became vulnerable to line outages. To address some of the shortcomings of the situation and at the same time, focus on the requirements for a national research and education network as a strategy to develop the vision of a networked Philippines, PREGINET was conceptualized. Compared with commercial ISPs, PREGINET provides value to academic, government, and research institutions in four (4) primary areas: Upon joining PREGINET, partners are provided the platform to pursue collaborative research and initiatives with leading universities and research institutions abroad. The Nutrition Research Information Network consists of institutions whose libraries and documentation or information centers have linked up to establish a specialized information system in food, nutrition and related fields. The objective is to achieve an efficient flow of information required by the nutrition and nutrition-related R&D (research and development) programs or projects of the Network members and the rest of the country’s scientific community. See more at: http://nutrinet.fnri.dost.gov.ph The eNutrition website seeks to improve the nutritional status of Filipino population by providing electronically accessible information on food consumption, nutrition & health status, and other essential indicators that will be useful for policy-making, monitoring, evaluation, planning, and development of nutrition-related programs. e-Nutrition includes essential and modularized features such as: See more at: http://enutrition.fnri.dost.gov.ph/ Functions Services See more at: http://www.fnri.dost.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=41 See more at: http://fprdi.dost.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=527 For more than 120 years, DOST-ITDI has done extensive R&D in such multi-disciplinary fields as chemicals and energy, materials science, environment and biotechnology, food processing, and packaging technology, as well as offering technical services in metrology and calibration, standards and testing, and technological services. With this, ITDI has built its Knowledge Bank – a collection of Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials, such as the ITDI Compendere, Techno Bulletin, primers, livelihood technology e-manuals, annual reports, flyers, brochures, posters, and news releases. See more at: https://itdi.dost.gov.ph/index.php/library Technology Information and Promotion Services See more at: http://www.mirdc.dost.gov.ph/index.php/downloads-mainmenu-51/doc_download/85-mirdc-citizens-charter.html The PNRI library is the only library in the country with the most comprehensive collection of literature in nuclear science and technology. It provides library services and assistance to various clients. The PNRI library is open to users from Monday to Friday , 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Assistance in accessing and retrieving documents from the International Nuclear Information System (INIS) CD- ROM database is one of the services offered by the PNRI library. INIS now maintains a database containing 2.9 million bibliographic references and abstracts worldwide on nuclear technology. It has 850,000 full text of non-conventional literature(NCL) in 63 languages, and a multilingual thesaurus. See more at: http://www.pnri.dost.gov.ph/index.php/services/library-services/30-library-services INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR INFORMATION SYSTEM (INIS) The International Nuclear Information System hosts one of the world's largest collections of published information on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. It offers online access to a unique collection of non-conventional literature. INIS is operated by the IAEA in collaboration with over 150 members. See more at: http://www.iaea.org/inis/ See more at: http://www.ptri.dost.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&task=section&id=26&Itemid=180 Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) PROJECT NOAH (Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards) NOAH's mission is to undertake disaster science research and development, advance the use of cutting edge technologies and recommend innovative information services in government's disaster prevention and mitigation efforts. Though the use of science and technology and in partnership with the academe and other stakeholders, the DOST through Program NOAH is taking a multi-disciplinary approach in developing systems, tools, and other technologies that could be operationalized by government to help prevent and mitigate disasters. NOAH's immediate task is to integrate current disaster science research and development projects and initiate new efforts within the DOST to achieve this objective. Presently there are nine(9) component projects under the NOAH program, namely: See more at: http://noah.dost.gov.ph/ PAGASA MET-HYDRO DECISION SUPPORT INFOSYS To enhance PAGASA’s weather data gathering capabilities, automatic rain gauges (ARG) and automatic weather stations (AWS) were installed throughout the country. These ARGs and AWSs are automated version of the traditional weather station that enables measurements of parameters such as barometric pressure, atmospheric pressure, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction from remote areas using meteorological sensors attached to rechargeable batteries powered by solar panels. With the use of mobile technology, these stations report through the telecommunication networks. See more at: http://meteopilipinas.gov.ph/ The Disaster Risk and Exposure Assessment for Mitigation (DREAM) Program is a Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Program-funded effort that is implemented by the University of the Philippines Training Center for Applied Geodesy and Photogrammetry (UP TCAGP). The Program is one of the nine (9) components of the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards Project (Project NOAH). Through the use of cutting-edge technology, such as the LiDAR, it generates updated and top-quality flood maps and models. These high-precision hazard maps are made accessible to the public through the Project NOAH website. See more at: http://dream.upd.edu.ph/ WISE or Weather Information-integration for System Enhancement is one of the latest additions in the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) program that aims to enhance the weather predicting capabilities of the country. Using High-Performance Computing (HPC) and smart analytics, the WISE Project will contribute to the improvement of PAGASA's current numerical weather prediction model. The WISE project aims to generate weather forecast seven days ahead. The results will also be integrated with FloodNet, Climate X and other components of the NOAH program of the Philippine government. Assimilation of data from the ground stations, radar and satellite will help provide accurate forecasts. See more at: http://projectwise.weebly.com/ PREDICT (Philippine Real-Time Environment Data Acquisition and Interpretation for Climate-Related Tragedy Prevention and Mitigation) is a nationwide system that is meant to complement the existing observation capability of PAGASA. It consists of a network of automated weather stations that gather and transmit observation data to a central server through the celular network. Each observation station is a rugged device equipped with sensors for the various required parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity, wind diection, wind speed, and rainfall. It is also equipped with a GSM/GPRS modem to transmit data to the central server. This project includes the design and production of the automated weather station (AWS) units, development of the server software, and deployment of the AWS in the selected sites. The environmental parameters that will be acquired and stored by the units will be used for weather forecasting and real-time environmental monitoring. These data will be used for agricultural applications, disaster mitigation, and for general research. See more at: http://fmon.asti.dost.gov.ph/weather/predict/ PAGASA LIBRARY FACILITIES AND SERVICES Training and Public Information Section (TPIS) See more at: http://www.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/about-us Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) PHIVOLCS library has a collection of books, journals, news clippings related to volcanoes, volcanic activity, volcanic hazards, earthquakes and earthquake hazards and tsunamis. In addition, PHIVOLCS materials could be photocopied for a fee. See more at: http://www.phivolcs.dost.gov.ph/html/update_SOEPD/ The internet is truly a worldwide web of information resources, exponentially expanding and percolating through all corners of the globe. To all high school students out there, the PSHS Knowledge Mall was created to plug you into this amazing world of instant information, and to guide your exploration, discovery, and creation of knowledge. Have fun. See more at: http://pshs-knowledgemall.net SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOLARSHIP WEBSITE See more at: https://www.science-scholarships.ph STII FACILITIES AND DATABASES STII maintains and continuously upgrades its facilities and equipment that include: See more at: http://www.stii.dost.gov.ph This contains the union catalog of the DOST ScINET-PHIL, a consortium of all the 21 libraries and information centers under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) including its 15 regional offices. The main objective of the catalog is to facilitate the research work both for professionals and students as well. The union catalog would save a lot of time and money for our library users. Any prospective library user need not go from one library to another in search of information materials. What he has to do is access the union catalog and check whether the material he needs is available or not, and if so in which library or information center. The SciNet Integrated Libary Management System (SILMS) was customized from several existing ILMS to suit our requirements. Said system can handle both bibliographic and full-text contents of library and information materials including multimedia. See more at: http://scinet.dost.gov.ph/ The science.ph project is testament to the commitment of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in promoting science and technology awareness in the Philippines. It is both a search engine and a free, comprehensive information website that contains "everything science" in the Philippines—hence the tagline “Science for every Juan.” It was developed with an eye toward researchers, teachers, students, communicators, or any individual wishing to know about the latest breakthroughs and developments in the Philippine science scene. However, what makes this unique from other search engines is the availability of "hidden web" information, or information untouched by search engines since it resides in a database, accessible only through content partnerships. See more at: http://science.ph/ The Philippine eLib is a collaborative project of the National Library of the Philippines (NLP), University of the Philippines (UP), Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Department of Agriculture (DA), and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). Funded through the e-Government Fund of the Philippine Government, the project hopes to provide for the information needs of all sectors of society in a convenient, affordable, and efficient way of delivery. Available resources include: See more at: http://www.elib.gov.ph/ STARBOOKS is short for Science & Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosk Station also known as "LIBRARY IN A BOX" intended to serve as information access portals in key areas in the Philippines. STARBOOKS contains hundreds and thousands of digitized science and technology resources in various formats (text and video/audio) placed in specially design “pods” set in a user-friendly interface. Its special features are: See more at: https://www.facebook.com/StarbooksPH/ See more at: http://www.tapi.dost.gov.ph/ National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) PHILIPPINE SCIENCE HERITAGE CENTER / SALINLAHI The Philippine Science Heritage Center (PSHC) or SALINLAHI (meaning "heirloom of a generation") was conceptualized and established to serve as a resource center of significant contributions of Filipinos in the world of science. It is also a commitment of the Science Community to bring science and technology closer to the public, and eventually, to promote a strong science and technology culture in the country. It was inaugurated last 14th December 1998 as the contribution of the National Academy of Science and Technology to the Philippine Centennial Celebrations. As a prime science center of the Government, Salinlahi documents and displays the works, ideas, and other scientific achievements of Filipino scientists who have helped improve the quality of human lives and significantly contributed to the worldwide advancement of science and technology. Through educational and informative materials such as books, booklets, leaflets, brochures, videos, and the like, Salinlahi helps enhance science awareness in the public and contributes to enhancing science education in the country. See more at: http://www.nast.ph/pshc/home.htm See more at: http://nrcp.dost.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_banners&task=click&bid=34
As the information arm of the DOST, STII comes out with 10 regular publications and other promotional materials in print and electronic formats. It also maintains the following databases:
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The Compendium of S&T Statistics is a compilation of the latest statistics on R&D expenditures and human resources in the country. Data sources are DOST's National Survey of R&D Expenditures and Human Resources covering government, higher education and private non-profit institutions and NSO's R&D data for the private business and industry sector. It also contains IPR statistics, and competitiveness and innovation rankings of the Philippines taken from IMD's World Competitiveness Report and WEF's Global Competitiveness Report. Definitions of terms and concepts are shown. The Compendium is updated regularly according to the latest data available from the most recent surveys. For other data needs and inquiries, please contact Planning and Evaluation Service through the S&T Resource Assessment and Evaluation Division (PES-STRAED) through email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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See more at: http://www.fnri.dost.gov.ph/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=588&Itemid=102 The eNutrition website seeks to improve the nutritional status of Filipino population by providing electronically accessible information on food consumption, nutrition & health status, and other essential indicators that will be useful for policy-making, monitoring, evaluation, planning, and development of nutrition-related programs. e-Nutrition includes essential and modularized features such as:
See more at: http://enutrition.fnri.dost.gov.ph/ |