Dr. Mahar A. Lagmay, executive director of Project NOAH, stresses the importance of technology in mitigating hazards during times of disasters during a press briefing at the Oracle Hotel in Quezon City recently. By utilizing android technology, computer applications like flood maps, weather conditions and other critical information relative to disaster management can now be easily uploaded, downloaded and disseminated even by using cellular phones from the national level down to the communities, anytime, anywhere. (Text by Rodolfo P. de Guzman / Photo by Henry A. de Leon, S&T Media Service, DOST-STII
One important aspect of Project NOAH is the creation of flood hazard maps where high-risk areas as well as safer grounds are identified and said information are easily accessed through computers and cellular phones for fast transmission where time is a critical factor. Photo shows Dr. Mahar A. Lagmay explaining the ongoing initiatives being done to mitigate hazards during the press briefing. (Text by Rodolfo P. de Guzman / Photo by Henry A. de Leon, S&T Media Service, DOST-STII)