Over 40 high school students from different provinces had a fun S&T summer at the Department of Science and Technology’s Geo –Marine science camp held on April 27 –May 5, 2013 at Puerto Galera, Mindoro Oriental .
With the theme ”Rock the Ridge, Reach the Reef”, the said summer science camp was organized by DOST’s Science and Education Institute (SEI) in cooperation with University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute and University of the Philippines –National Institute of Geological Sciences.
Throughout the nine-day exposure, campers attended classes that included problem solving, research, critical thinking and communication skills incorporated with Biology, Meteorology, Geology and Marine Science facilitated by some UP-MSI and UP-NIGS staff.
Also embedded in the camp were significant activities such as coral reef exposures at Muelle Bay San Antonio Island, trekking, and community interaction in a Mangyan village.
The science camp aimed to encourage high school students explore geo and marine sciences and stress the value of pursuing degrees and careers in these fields while developing skills to achieve success in their chosen fields. At the same time, it aimed to promote the culture of research and its importance in addressing challenges in the environment and society.
Started in 2009, DOST-SEI’s science camp had encouraged skilled and gifted students in science and mathematics to consider S&T careers. Science camps held annually focused on various fields of S&T such as biology, mathematics, engineering. Boosted by its successful outcome, the camp extensively trained students from the Philippine Science High School campuses nationwide and selected science high schools in Metro Manila.