When the country bore the brunt of natural disasters last year, the members of the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP), the advisory council of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), felt the urgency to deliberate on some action plans and programs to thwart similar occurrences. Thus, this year, in its 81st General Membership Assembly dubbed Future Earth, Future Philippines to be held on March 26 – 27 at the Historic Manila Hotel, NRCP will convene hundreds of Filipino researchers, scientists, technologists, innovators, and economists to discuss the future prospects of the country and the world.

The first day activities include the paper presentations of DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo and three world renowned scientists. DOST Secretary Montejo’s presentation will touch on the subject of Sustainability for Future Philippines while 1986 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry and President of International Council for Science (ICSU) Dr. Yuan T. Lee will expound on the matters concerning Future Earth, the Initiative for Global Sustainability. Then ICSU Director for Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific Prof. Nordin Hassan will illustrate what lies ahead for the countries in Asia on his presentation Future Earth, the Regional Perspective; and Executive Director of the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Dr. Stephen Adrian Ross will show some opportunities from Asian marine resources on Prospects for Sustainability of the Seas of East Asia.

On the second day, the participants will be engaged in five parallel workshops to come up with research plans, programs, and policy recommendations which may contribute in addressing the impacts of the future earth scenarios to humankind. The topics include: atmospheric and environmental change; health and human well-being; marine and aquatic ecosystem; terrestrial ecosystem; and economic transformation towards sustainable development.

The NRCP, established on December 8, 1933 by the virtue of Act 4120, is now considered to be the oldest collegial and scientific advisory body of the Philippine government and the first in Asia Pacific. From 114 pioneering scientists, the NRCP now has more than 3,000 members who are world renowned researchers, scientists, technologists, innovators, and economists who continuously provide the various sectors and stakeholders with myriad of research-based knowledge useful in sustaining and maintaining the well-being of the Filipinos and the entire nation as well.

DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo, NRCP President Lourdes J. Cruz, NRCP Vice-President Ester B. Ogena together with the Members of the NRCP Governing Board and its Executive Director Carina G. Lao will head the proceedings of this momentous event.

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