EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS MANUAL FOR REPORTERS. (Top) DOST-PHIVOLCS Director Renato U. Solidum formally hands over a copy of “The Broadcaster’s InfoChart on Emergency Preparedness” to one of the journalists present during the press conference for the Central Visayas leg of DOST’s nationwide info campaign on disaster risk reduction and mitigation dubbed “Iba na ang Panahon: Science for Safer Communities” held from recently at the Crown Regency Residences in Cebu City. With them in photo is DOST Asst. Secretary Raymund E. Liboro, who is also the OIC of the Science and Technology Information Institute, DOST’s information arm. The InfoChart (middle and bottom photos) serves as a reference manual for broadcasters when reporting about matters related to natural disasters. In particular, it contains basic information on typhoons, inter-tropical convergence zones, floods, earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, landslides and what actions to take before, during, and after a calamity. All members of the media who were in the campaign received their respective copies of the manual. (Text by Angelica A. de Leon / Photos by Henry A. de Leon, S&T Media Service, DOST-STII)