he Department of Science and Technology’s scientific advisory body, the National Research Council of the Philippines, will confer achievement award to nineop Filipino researchers in its 79th General Membership Assembly to be held at the Hotel Sofitel Philippine Plaza on March 7, 2012.

The nine awardees include Dr. Vicentita Macuja-Cervera, Dr. Macrina Tamayo-Zafaralla, Dr. Ernesto M. Pernia, Dr. Roland V. Sarmago, Dr. Alicia M. Aguinaldo, Dr. Erlinda Kintanar-Alburo, Dr. Edanjarlo J. Marquez, Dr. Remigio M. Olveda, and Dr. Joseph S. Masangkay.

DOST-NRCP recognized Dr. Macuja-Cervera for her significant research contributions in psychology, guidance and counseling, and other fields. A prolific author and editor of books and several official journals of professional organizations, Dr. Cervera also developed psychological tests that are widely used in the country today. She is a member of the Philippine Team of the 2006 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM).


Dr. Tamayo-Zafaralla was cited for her quality scientific and technological outputs that significantly contributed to the abundant fish supply, leading to food security and poverty alleviation. Her efforts also contributed to reducing health risks in river bank communities.

Meanwhile, Dr. Pernia’s landmark studies on population and development in the Philippines and Asia earned him the lofty award. Some of his studies had significant policy implications on urban poverty as well as on the economic impact on population change; migration and economic development; urbanization pattern of migration in India; population, nutrition, health, and economic costs of children. He also developed an empirical model of individual and household migration, and economic and social impact analysis of small industry promotion.

Dr. Sarmago’s research efforts in the field of superconductivity were likewise recognized by the Council, as well as the international scientific community wherein his original contributions have been well cited. His works are extended to future applications.

From the field of Chemistry of Natural Products; the Council acknowledged Dr. Aguinaldo’s invaluable contribution to the structure elucidation of anti-mycotic substances from medicinal plants. She was also exemplary as a mentor, school administrator, and officer/member of professional organizations.

As well, Dr. Kintanar-Alburo’s significant contributions to the field of cultural research, specifically on Philippine literature and language, folklore, and history, were specially noted by the Council, Her researches on Cebuano studies inspired other researchers to undertake similar studies. The books she edited, including literary anthologies with translations and dictionaries of indigenous arts, have provided teachers with instructional materials.

From the field of earth science in the Philippines, the Council recognized Dr. Marquez for his outstanding work in the area of micropaleontology (radiolaria and benthic foraminifera). His researches, published in local and international peer-reviewed journals, have contributed to the understanding of the geologic history of the Philippines. His mentorship to his students upheld the need for environmental awareness in the Philippines.

The Council cited Dr. Olveda for being the principal investigator of two prestigious research grants from the World Health Organization/TDR-Rockefeller Foundation North-South for schistosomiasis; and the Tropical Medicine Research Center grant from the US National Institute of Health (NIH) for schistosomiasis, malaria, and leprosy. Under his leadership, the first Good Manufacturing Practices Certified Vaccine Production Plant at RITM was established. The plant can produce locally-affordable and high quality vaccines.

Dr. Masangkay. meanwhile, had significant contributions in the field of veterinary medicine, specifically on laboratory animal genetics and wildlife animal pathology in the Philippines. His researches on these groups have provided valuable information on the protection, conservation and proper use of animals as laboratory models in biochemical research.

The NRCP, which was established in 1933, is now considered as the oldest scientific collegial body in the country and in the Asia Pacific. From the 144 pioneering scientists, NRCP how has 2,809 member researchers, scientists, and technologists spread over the 13 NRCP Scientific Divisions, based in the official and latest tally on membership here and abroad. (Jowi Carteciano)

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