National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP) will hold its 78th General Membership Assembly at the Polkabal-Rigodon Halls of the Manila Hotel on March 9, 2011. Participating NRCP member researchers, scientists, and technologists will present the policy recommendations and plans of action to prepare the country for the implementation and full realization of the declaration ASEAN 2015 to DOST Secretary Mario G. Montejo. This document is the result of the national consultation workshop led by the NRCP and held in Luzon (December 2010), Visayas and Mindanao (January 2011).
"ASEAN 2015: One Vision, One Identity, One Community" is a pact that charts the future direction of ASEAN as a community that is politically, economically, and socio-culturally stable and competing vigorously with the rest of the world.
The NRCP officials and members assure that they would only embark on significant researches and activities that would support the government in attaining a developed status in the near future. (Jowi A. Carteciano, S&T Media Service)