“Drawing in Young Researchers into the Regional Health Research Systems” will be the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development’s (PCHRD) theme for its anniversary this year to be held March 19 at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Manila. PCHRD is one of the five sectoral councils of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).
DOST Secretary Estrella F. Alabastro will give the opening message and Department of Health Secretary Esperanza I. Cabral will be the anniversary keynote speaker.
Highlight of the program is a panel discussion on the role of young researchers in sustaining regional and national health research systems. The panelists will share their experiences as researchers and how they grew in their research career. Dr. Josette Biyo, Director of the Philippine Science High School - West Visayas Campus, will set the tone of the panel discussion.
A business meeting of the PCHRD Scholars Society will follow in the afternoon.
PCHRD coordinates and monitors health research activities in the country. Since its founding on March 17, 1982, it has advocated a strong health research culture and mobilized resources to generate knowledge, technologies and innovations and their use in Philippine healthcare.
For more information, please contact PCHRD-DOST at 837-7534 to 37.