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Abra’s healthy noodles. Arturo Talledo’s delectable vegetable noodles are gaining popularity among Abra folks and nearby provinces. Dolores-based Talledo first trained on how to make squash noodles from the Department of Science and Technology’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute, then applied for DOST’s Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SET-UP). Under the grant, he received a noodle machine (in picture), dough mixer, and dryer. The upgraded equipment doubled the income of Talledo’s Noodle House which now churns out 175 kilos of noodles on regular days. His product line-up includes squash, malunggay, and regular flour-based noodles. His next agenda: camote noodles. His customers can’t wait for this new treat. (Framelia V. Anonas, S&T Media Service, STII)


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