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Dr. Yukiyo Amano, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), notes with pleasure that this STARBOOKS, or Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated Kiosk Stations, unit is beefed up with nuclear technology materials in addition to its science and technology content. Installed at the San Francisco National High School in Quezon City and the Quezon City Science High School libraries, two STARBOOKS pods provide to the two schools’ combined 7,000-student population a variety of S&T information materials, including Encyclopedia Britannica and IAEA produced resources. STARBOOKS, developed by the Department of Science and Technology – Science and Technology Information Institute, is a digital library that operates offline and serves as a very vital knowledge resource in places yet unreached by the Internet. With Dr Amano is the school librarian and Dr. Amelia Guevara (right), DOST undersecretary for research and development.  (S&T Media Service, DOST-STII)

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