Good news to all agri sector folks as the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD) once again joins forces with their fellow Department of Science and Technology (DOST) agencies in celebrating this year’s National Science and Technology Week (NSTW) for a five-day showcase of agricultural products and technologies.
Bannered by the NSTW theme “Philippines: A Science Nation Innovating for Global Competitiveness,” PCAARRD will showcase the results of science-based know-how and tools enabling the agriculture sector to raise productivity and quality to world-class standards.
In particular, PCAARRD will exhibit four pavilions featuring S&T innovations for aquatic resources, forest and environmental resources, crops, and livestock.
The aquatic pavilion will feature S&T-based products and tools adhering to global standards. These are ready for pilot testing and rollout to enable the aquatic sector to increase production efficiency and improve quality.
The forest and environment pavilion will showcase technologies for producing quality planting materials and managing plantations to raise yield and eventually, increase the income of farmers. Also on exhibit are tools essential for decision support systems to help promote climate-smart communities and ecosystems.
On the other hand, the crops pavilion will highlight information, products, and technologies which are not only essential to crop productivity but also help the products attain global standards.
Meanwhile, the livestock pavilion will feature technologies for improving farm productivity and building rural assets.
Aside from the four pavilions, a booth will showcase eight agricultural commodities and their technologies. These commodities are banana, mango, coconut, rice, mud crab, goat, mussel, and shrimp. Other activities during the week-long celebration are fora featuring PCAARRD technologies, poster-painting and essay-writing contests.
The PCAARRD exhibit for NSTW is anchored on DOST’s Outcome 1 which is Agricultural Productivity. The rest of the eight outcomes are Enterprises, Industry Competitiveness, Information Technology-Business Process Management, Good Governance, Quality Healthcare, Education, and Disaster Preparedness. For more on NSTW which will run from July 24-28, 2015 at SMX Convention Center in Pasay City, visit (S&T Media Service, DOST-STII)