In celebration of the Department of Science and Technology’s Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) 5th anniversary, Undersecretary Dr. Rowena Cristina Guevara, together with otherresource persons, presented the Council’s milestones in a press conference held recently at the Luxent Hotel in Quezon City.
“We are one of the best agencies in the DOST system and will continue to be the best,” USec. Guevarra assured guests as she showcased each of PCIEERD’s accomplishments within half a decade since its establishment in 2010.
The discussion highlighted PCIEERD’s performance in their prioritysectoral areas which are science, industry, energy, emerging technologies and other special concerns including climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and management and environmental issues.
Some of the milestones stressed during the press conference were the Technology Business Incubation facility, launching of the Automated Guideway Transit system in UP Diliman and Bicutan, drafting of Genomics R&D Roadmap, launching of Project NOAH, DREAM and LiDAR planes under the special concern areas, launching of Biotechnology Pilot Plant facility, responsible mining in Mindanao and PGC-DNA Sequencing Core Facility.
USec.Guevarra also enumerated other innovations and interventions of PCIEERD including the inauguration of the Advanced Device and Materials Testing Laboratory, launching of CoaTin, Metrology in Chemistry Laboratory, the revitalization of PCIEERD Consortia around the Philippines, first Electronics Design Competition, first Mining Forum, the Balik Scientist Program and its ISO 9001:2008 certification.
PCIEERD also plans to launch the Electronics Product Development Center this June and the Innovation Hubs in Diliman and Intramurosin July.
“It’s a great honor to be a part of PCIEERD. I believe that this council will continue to thrive through its thrusts. I commend all the people behind our achievements and I know that they will remain dedicated to their efforts in helping the public,” Usec. Guevarra said.
Among the resource persons are the heads of different divisions of PCIEERD including Engr. Niñaliza Escorial of Industrial Technology Development Division, Engr. Nonilo Peña of Energy and Utilities Systems Technology Division, Engr. Nelson Beniabon of Emerging Technology Development Division, Engr. Albert Marino of Policy Coordination and Monitoring Division, Ms. Russell Pili of Research Information & Technology Transfer Division, Engr. Ernie Bacarra of Human Resource and Institution Development Division and Ms. Sonia Cabangon of Finance and Administrative Division.
DOST Undersecretary Dr. Rowena Cristina Guevara discusses DOST-PCIEERD’s milestones during the press conference.
DOST Undersecretary Dr. Rowena Cristina Guevara talks about the milestones of DOST-PCIEERD to mediamen.