The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) published a report on 2015-2016 Economic Policy Monitor (EPM), “Risks, Shocks, Building Resilience: Philippines.” With the shocks and risks that the Philippines has been facing, the need for building resilient communities is presented. Having good policies is critical in bolstering coping ability and in building resilient systems.

Despite its exposure to various risks, the Philippines is showing signs of economic resiliency which can be attributed to policies considered and put in place by the government for the different sectors. These appropriate and well-timed policy interventions are critical to withstand various types of risks and shocks, particularly natural hazards to which the Philippines is heavily exposed. Building resilience should, however, go beyond disaster risk and management in recognition of the fact that there are many different types of risks that are coming from various sources—economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological—and that are also interconnected.

The framework for building resilience presented in the EPM underscores the significance of appropriate interventions in the form of policies, programs, and projects that develop three kinds of capacities: absorptive, adaptive, and transformative. Policies and programs for developing these capacities are most likely to be successful when based on careful research and evidence from policy analysis. The importance of evidence-based policy design and development is emphasized here. Policymakers should as well be equipped with a good understanding of resilience thinking, risk analysis, and risk management. Involvement of other stakeholders is equally important. Resilience building should be a collective effort among policymakers, academe, research, private sector including business, and civil society.

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