The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) launched on Wednesday, July 29, 2020 the Halal Training Modules aimed to help boost the Halal industry in the country.

Three modules namely ‘Halal Concepts and Principles’, ‘Halal Assurance System’, and ‘Halal Management System’ were developed by the DOST Region XI Halal Training Needs Assessment (TNA) team and were validated in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao clusters.

The ‘Halal-Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)’ module was crafted with the help of consultants, Dr. Jane B. Tranquilan and Professor Dr. Rafek Saleh. All modules will be used as training guides for personnel of Food Service and Manufacturing Industries.

DOST XI Regional Director and DOST Halal S&T Program Leader, Dr. Anthony C. Sales, CESO III said the modules are products of the series of consultation with stakeholders and partners from the academe, the industry, the government sectors, the non-government sectors, and the Muslim religious community, with the goal to strengthen the Halal industry specifically in complying with the standards, being competitive in the ASEAN market, increasing capability in Halal accreditation and formulating standards, and further upgrading in terms of research and development.

“We were able to conduct various activities such as the Trainings Needs Assessment, Development of Training Modules on Halal, and Trained Trainers on Halal-HACCP which considers and recognizes the importance of dietary and faith restrictions of consumers especially in the Philippines and the Asia Pacific,” Director Sales said.

DOST Secretary Fortunato de la Peña vowed that the DOST shall continue to be a provider of scientific and technical knowledge in support of the development of the Halal industry.

The development of the said modules is in line with the Republic Act No. 10817 or the “Philippine Halal Export Development and Promotion Act of 2016” that seeks to promote the growth and ensure the integrity and quality of Philippine Halal exports.

The Halal Lead Auditors and Trainers from all over the country also took their oath during the activity which was conducted online via Zoom. This was organized by the DOST XI Halal S&T Program.

DOST XI S&T Promotion

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