The Department of Science and Technology Regional Office No. 1 (DOST-I), through the Provincial Science and Technology Center- La Union (PSTC-LU), conducted a skills training on tamarind jam processing for the members of “Boses Dagiti Mannalon Ken MangngakapTi Al Alinao Norte (BDMKMTAN)” held last 30 July 2021, at the Barangay Hall of Al Alinao Norte, Naguilian, La Union. The said activity, held in collaboration with the Local Government Unit of Naguilian,was joined by nine (9) participants who are members of the association.

The initiative was seen as an opportunity to improve the economic welfare of the community since Barangay Al Alinao Norte is known for the abundant supply of tamarind. In support to the One-Barangay One-Product (OBOP) program of LGU Naguilian, the BDMKMTAN will venture into tamarind jam making to provide livelihood to its members. BDMKMTAN is a recognized association of LGU Naguilian.

Jonathan M. Viernes, Provincial S & T Director of La Union, granted the request of Mayor Nieri P. Tilos-Flores for the said training. This activity aims to improve the socio-economic conditions of the members through the proper access to scientific technologies and to acquire the necessary assets to engage in and maintain thriving livelihoods.

Princess P. Abuan, Project Assistant II and Food Safety Expert of PSTC-LU, served as the resource speaker during the skills training. Abuan also shared and conducted actual demonstrationof the appropriate technology in producing tamarind jam. On so doing, the training will capacitate the participants to make better quality products and provide profitable source of livelihood.

Prior to the start of the training, Emilie Porte welcomed everybody and introduced the mechanics and reminded safety protocols for the activity. On the other hand,Abuan reiterated the importance of proper wearing of personal protective equipment such as face masks, hair net, gloves, apron, and closed shoes to comply with the minimum health protocols as well as the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure safety and quality products. Abuan shared and demonstrated the technology on tamarind jam to capacitate the participants to make a better and profitable livelihood. (By Princess P. Abuan, Project Assistant II, DOST PSTC-LU)

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