The Department of Science and Technology (DOST-I), through its Provincial Science and Technology Center- La Union (PSTC-LU) office, awarded a total of Php 425,000.00 worth of assistance to Payas Rice Mill as part of its initiative for a SETUP project titled: Technology Upgrading of Grains Postharvest Facility.  

The financial assistance will be used to acquire Rice Huller Machine that intends to increase the volume of production and sales of Payas Rice Mill by at least 25%. It also aims to increase the firm’s productivity by 17% and generate employment by one (1) worker in the first year of the project implementation. 

Present during the awarding ceremony is Provincial S&T Director Jonathan M. Viernes, accompanied by Christian Jastine V. Mendoza (Project Assistant-II), and the owner and operator of Payas Rice Mill, Rolito B. Boac. PD Viernes also discussed to the proponent their responsibilities based on the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) of the project. 

DOST’s SETUP or the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program will continue its efforts to assist micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) so that they thrive in their respective niche through appropriate S&T interventions.

Incidentally successful SETUP proponents across the country will be featured in the upcoming celebration of the 2021 National Science and Technology Week to be held from 22-28 November 2021 through the virtual platform. The Best SETUP Adoptors will be chosen among the regional winners and will be awarded and recognized for their efforts in leveling up their operation and processes to produce world-class products and services using science, technology, and innovation. To know more of the different technologies, innovations, activities, forums, and webinars for the 2021 NSTW, kindly visit its website at and check out the Facebook page at and these hashtags #2021NSTW, #DOSTTugonSaHamon, #ScienceforthePeople.


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