From left to right: CSC Field Office-DOST Director II Margarita G. Reyes; Ms. Jessica L. Moral, Supervising Administrative Officer, ALS-Personnel Division; Mr. Michael B. Villadoz, Administrative Officer V, ALS-Personnel Division; and DOST Assistant Secretary Diana L. Ignacio.
After years of preparation and a series of consultations, the Department of Science and Technology Central Office (DOST-CO) is finally conferred the Bronze Award under the Enhanced Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management (PRIME-HRM) of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) by virtue of CSC Resolution No. 2100446 dated 15 June 2021.
The PRIME-HRM Bronze Award Plaque of Recognition was personally received from the CSC-National Capital Region on 10 November 2021 by DOST Assistant Secretary Diana L. Ignacio together with representatives from the DOST-CO Personnel Division, Ms. Jessica L. Moral, Supervising Administrative Officer, and Mr. Michael B. Villadoz, Administrative Officer V. The Award was formally conferred during the 2021 PRIME-HRM Virtual Recognition Rites held last 12 November 2021 via Zoom teleconferencing, where eight (8) other agencies in the National Capital Region were also recognized.
The DOST-CO was able to manage and implement its human resource management (HRM) systems and has successfully achieved Maturity Level 2 or a process-defined HRM in the four core HRM systems, namely: Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP); Learning and Development (L&D); Performance Management (PM); and Rewards and Recognition (R&R).
In a pre-recorded message, DOST Secretary Fortunato T. de la Peña expressed his sincere gratitude to the Commission and encouraged agencies to pursue being “PRIMED”: “May this serve as an inspiration for other government agencies who feel averse and anxious to start their PRIME-HRM journey, who felt discouraged along the way. I would like to assure you that though the journey may not be easy and quick, the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. It is in my belief that achieving the highest level of excellence in providing service for the people is possible through PRIME-HRM.”
On the other hand, Assistant Secretary Ignacio stressed the importance of capacitating human resource management officers in preparation for the Program: “Building and enhancing the capability of HR personnel at the onset are crucial in order to understand the need to be PRIMED and to be able to hurdle the challenges along the way. PRIME-HRM is not just a tool or system to be complied with, but a rudder that steers the organization to achieve better results through excellent and efficient human resource management.”
Pursuant to CSC Memorandum Circular No. 3, series of 2012, PRIME-HRM is a program to “inculcate meritocracy and excellence in the public service human resource management through a program of reward, recognition, empowerment and continuous development.” It covers all government agencies with existing human resource offices/units, including local government units, regional offices and agencies; GOCCS; and state colleges and universities. It is also a “tool to recognize best practices in human resource management, where innovations, enhancements, or remarkable developments in HR management shall be given recognition so that agencies will be motivated to aspire for excellence”.
DOST Assistant Secretary Diana L. Ignacio (center) receives the CSC PRIME-HRM Bronze Award Plaque of Recognition together with Ms. Jessica L. Moral (left) and Mr. Michael B. Villadoz (right).