The story of the House of Polvoron is one that strikes a chord among readers simply because it’s a story of triumph borne out of hard work. It’s that often told tale of how a small family business grew from strength to strength to eventually emerge as one of the market leaders in its field. Ma. Aurora F. Marcelo tells us how.

Who would have thought that P1,500 would eventually turn into a million after less than 10 years? With hard work, innovation, and technology intervention, Belen’s Pinahamis did it, as Maria Judtih L. Sablan relates in this story.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) recently unveiled locally-developed equipment that will make local food processors more productive.

dostoutcome-01302014 DOST Commitment Day:



All agencies, advisory bodies, offices, officials and employees of the Department of Science and Technology will gather together on Monday, Feb 3, 2014 at 8:00 am (Philippine Standard Time) at the DOST Central Office grounds in Taguig City, Metro Manila for the DOST Commitment Day dubbed “Juan Direction.” The year-opener event will set the tone for 2014 as the DOST family will express its full commitment to DOST’s 8 priority areas for the period 2013-2016. These are agriculture, MSMEs, industry, IT-BPM, government service, healthcare, human resources, and weather and geologic hazards.


More technology-driven jobs are in the offing as the science and labor departments join forces in a nationwide livelihood program that will be technology-driven, resource-based and sustainable. Priority of said livelihood program are Filipinos who are economically displaced and marginalized due to natural and man-made calamities, including returning or displaced OFWs and their families.