Republic of the Philippines
Department of Science and Technology
Gen. Santos Avenue, Bicutan, Taguig City


Request for Quotation


Venue for Welcome Dinner for the 4th Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Workshop on Disaster Management and Communications


The Department of Science and Technology-Central Office, through its Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), requests qualified bidders to submit their lowest price on the ff. items:

Item No.

Venue for Welcome Dinner for the 4th Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Workshop on Disaster Management and Communications


Welcome/Reception Dinner with the following provisions:

  • Fine Dining Restaurant within Pasay or Manila area with exclusive space for reception and 30 minutes cultural music and dance presentation /entertainment
  • Buffet dinner for 100 participants on 23 July 2013
  • With provision for vegetarian and no pork meals
  • Menu to be provided in the proposal should be at least four (4) main viand of: vegetables, fish or other sea foods, chicken and beef plus salad, soup, rice, bread and 2-3 dessert options
  • With provision for food taste
  • With one round of juice, iced tea or soda
  • With adequate parking slots for guests
  • With health and sanitation facilities
  • All prices to be quoted should be inclusive of all applicable taxes and service charge.





Qualified bidders should submit their quotation formnot later than July 7, 2013. Failure to strictly comply with the deadline and general conditions shall automatically disqualify the bidder/s from the bidding process. Request for Quotation form is also available at DOST-CO Procurement Section and downloadable at PhilGEPS website.


For quotation form and item specification please download RFQ#13-06-227_ITCU_Venue_4th_APT_Workshop



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