The Philippine Science Heritage Center now features five new interactive and digital exhibits to provide visitors a fun and exciting platform to learn about the rich science and technology culture of the country.

A repository of the outstanding accomplishments of the Filipino scientific community, the Center is located at the Science Heritage Building inside the Department of Science and Technology Complex in Bicutan, Taguig City. The latest additions to PSHC are the following:

National Scientists Browser
Get inspired with the life and works of our national scientists through this interactive exhibit. The browser allows the visitors to view the profile, contributions, education, and awards of the 41 National Scientists in the country via touch screen computer.

Six schools in Oriental Mindoro recently joined the growing list of academic institutions in the province that acquired the Department of Science and Technology’s (DOST) internationally awarded digital science library dubbed as STARBOOKS, or Science and Technology Academic and Research-based Openly Operated Kiosk Station.

The first of its kind in the Philippines, STARBOOKS is a stand-alone research platform with a user-friendly interface. It requires no Internet connection and contains science information from local and international sources.

Schools that received their new STARBOOKS kiosks last September 17, 2015 were Domingo Yu Chu National High School in Pola, Bulbugan National High School in Gloria, Bansud National High School and Cawayan National High School in Bansud, Mindoro State College of Agricultural Technology (MinSCAT) Calapan City Campus, and MinSCAT Bongabong Campus.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) turned over landslide and storm surge hazard maps for Vigan City, Ilocos Norte, La union, and Pangasinan, including copies of the Reference for Emergency and Disaster or RED Book. The turnover is part of DOST’s advocacy to promote disaster preparedness by disseminating information down to the barangay level and communities-at-risk.

Secretary Mario G. Montejo held the turnover on September  1, 2015 during the Forum on Climate Change, Disaster Management and MSMEs Development, an event of the annual celebration of the DOST Region I Science  and Technology Fair for the Northern Luzon Cluster held at the Vigan Convention Center in Vigan City.

“Our flagship program on disaster management, the Project NOAH, provides us with a 6-hour lead time to prepare before the flood comes using sophisticated software to create a digital platform where weather and hazard information like flood, landslide and storm surge maps are uploaded for easy access by our local government executives and disaster risk reduction officers,” Sec. Montejo said.

BATAC, Ilocos Norte -- Diverse unique food products and delectable gastronomic treats greeted guests from this town, as well as government officials and members of the academe, during the formal launching of the Food Innovation Center at the S&T Park of the Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU) recently.

The Food Innovation Center is a joint project of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) through its Region 1 office headed by Dr. Armando Q. Ganal, MMSU, the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) and the Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP).

The center, housed in a newly constructed building inside the sprawling 1,300-hectare property of the university, will be a learning hub for research and development in food production and processing of agricultural crops into high value products that can be marketed locally and abroad.

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Philippine Long Distance Telephone (PLDT) Company to help Filipino internet users in the country towards more secure, efficient, and faster access to various government websites. The signing was held last September 07, 2015 at Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Office in Diliman, Quezon City.

Said  MoA defines the establishment of the fiber optic facilities that will link PLDT to the Philippine Open Internet Exchange (PHOpenIX) which is being operated by DOST’s Advance Science and Technology Institute (ASTI).